We were very pleased to organize this 5thedition of YR2I congress. This year, we welcomed more than 180 attendees, 14 oral presentations, 25 posters, 2 presentations of our sponsors (BD Biosciences and BioTechne), 1 presentation of collaborators of Imagine (France BioTech) and 1 very prestigious guest: Dr. Philippe Charlier. Invited speaker: Dr. Philippe Charlier […]
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Author: webmasterYR2I
Join us for the next Professional Breakf...
The next Professional Breakfast organized by the ADELIH, YR2I, Doc’Up, JeCCO, Stapa, ADIC and BioDocs associations will take place on Thursday, December 13th, 2018 from 8:45 am to 11:30 am, at the Cochin Institute. This meeting is free and open to all, and is will be located Salle Rosalind Franklin – 2e étage – Bâtiment Méchain au 22, rue Méchain 75014 – Paris. About the […]
Olympiads of 2017 were a success!
This year’s Olympiads orchestrated by our two new AC members Magda Cannata Serio, PhD student and Gwenn Le Meur, engineer, both from Matias Simons’s lab were a total success! With less than two months for the organization, they managed to gather prizes for the three winning teams and enough presents for all the participants! Their […]